
Showing posts from March, 2023

AWS - Amazon Customer Outreach Ecommerce diagram with notes

 The following is a replica of the diagram from the link below with additional notes for certain steps to understand the diagram. Amazon Personalize customer outreach on your ecommerce platform | AWS Architecture Blog The screenshot below will not zoom in clearly, therefore I went ahead and took screenshots of each section. Screenshot I Screenshot II Screenshot III Screenshot IV Screenshot V Screenshot VI For the screenshot below, you may try right clicking on the image > Open image in new tab > and then CTRL + scroll up on mouse to zoom in if needed. Screenshot VII Screenshot VIII

2023 PYTHON - script - URL shortener

This was made in Visual Studio Code within a virtual environment. The most important commands in working with your virtual environment are: 1. Create your virtual environment > py -m venv env 2. Activate your virtual environment > env\Scripts\activate ** It's also a good idea to update pip using the following command: > py -m pip install --upgrade pip 3. Go to View > select Command Palette > Select Python Interpreter > (env:venv) 4. Run your application > py ===================================================== Screenshot I =====================================================  S O U R C E     C O D E  NOTE:  (Desktop users): To view the sections below clearly > right click > Open image in new tab. > Should give a crosshair "+" symbol > Click on that and it will zoom in on the image. OR Left click on the image. > Will open image on page. > use CTRL + scroll up or down (on mouse) to zoom in. =========================...