Python project: DevOps Blue/Green Deployment using VS Code | Developer PowerShell


Blue/Green Deployment with AWS Lambda 

This hands on DevOps project uses two versions of a Lambda function for blue/green deployment. An alias is used to switch traffic between them. An alias is a pointer which directs traffic between two version. 

This project assumes an AWS account has already been created, and permissions have been granted to access/manage Lambda, IAM, and awscli if one is not root when accessing the AWS console and services. 

VS Code is the IDE being used with a virtual environment and PowerShell for the terminal.

Step 1: Set up the virtual enironment.

The most important commands in working with your virtual environment are:

  • Create your virtual environment

py -m venv env

  • Activate your virtual environment


TODO: It's also a good idea to update pip using the following command:

py -m pip install --upgrade pip

 Go to View > select Command Palette > Select Python Interpreter > (env:venv)

Configure credentials to set up aws cli with account credentials.

aws configure
    • Enter the account access key.
    • Enter the account secret key.
    • Enter the region.
    • Enter the output format (i.e., json).

Confirm the credentials provided.
aws configure list

Confirm that Python is installed 
python --version

Step 5: Install the Python extension for VS Code.

Use pip to install boto3.
pip install boto3

Confirm boto3 has been successfully installed.

pip show boto3

Step 8: Create an IAM role with the AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole policy.
Click on the button, 'Create role'.

Step 8a:Select trusted entity > Trusted entity type > AWS service

Step 8b:
Select trusted entity > Use case > Service or use case > Lambda
Use case > Make certain the radio button labeled "Lambda" is selected.

Step 8c:  Click 'Next'.

Step 8d: Click on the check box next to the AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole to attach the Permissions Policy to the role.

Scroll to the bottom and click, "Next".

Step 8e: 
Under 'Name, review, and create' > 
Role details > Role name -> `devops-lambda-execution-role`.
**NOTE: The 'Description' is pre-populated by default. Leave this as it is.

8f: Step 1: Select trusted entities.
Trust policy - Review the trust policy and leave it as it is.

8g: Add permissions.
The 'AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole' should be listed under the Permissions policy summary. 

8h: Add tags. 
Tags are an essential part of the creation of any AWS resource and play a part in upholding the pillars for the Well-Architected Framework:
  • Asset tracking and allocation to specific departments, projects, or teams. 
  • Efficiently manage and locate assets within complex cloud environments.
  • Help to enforce securite policies and regulatory compliance. 
Click on 'Create role'.

Step 8h:
Confirmation screen to show that the Lambda Role has been created.

Step 9:
Search for the devops-lambda-execution-role on the IAM Role dashboard > 
Click on the devops-lambda-execution-role hyperlinked in blue.

TODO: Copy the Role ARN to be used in the 'User Data' script.

Create two Lambda function versions.

Step 1. Write a simple Python Lambda function and save it as and


def lambda_handler(event, context):
    return {
        'statusCode': 200,
        'body': 'Hello from Blue version!'


def lambda_handler(event, context):
        return {
        'statusCode': 200,
        'body': 'Hello from Green version!'

Zip the two files:

#  zip

# zip

Zip the two files using the PowerShell
The 'powershell' term must be used before the command.

# powershell Compress-Archive -Path -DestinationPath  


# powershell Compress-Archive -Path -DestinationPath


Zipped files using PowerShell

Create the Python Deployment script.

  • Create a new project folder.
  • Open the project folder in Visual Studio Code.
  • Click the plus sign to create a file and name it, ''.

Code base for

Execute the script.

Prior to executing the script, ensure that the following files are all contained in the same directory:


Upload the .zip files to the Lambda function and use an alias and versioning to switch in-between the blue and green version.

To do this programmatically via the command line:

PowerShell command to upload the deployment packages to AWS Lambda.

$zipFilePath = "";
$zipFileBytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($zipFilePath)

After uploading the .zip file, publish a new version.

aws lambda publish-version --function-name YourLambdaFunctionName

NOTE the version number.

Repeat the process to upload the file.

$zipFilePath = "";
$zipFileBytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($zipFilePath)

Confirm the .zip files have successfully been uploaded. 
Goto the AWS console > Lambda service > Code tab

After uploading the .zip file, publish a new version.

# aws lambda publish-version --function-name YourLambdaFunctionName

NOTE the version number.


Run the script.

# python 

The script shall deploy the Blue version of the Lambda function.       


Next, the script waits for user confirmation to deploy the Green version.

The script shall then deploy the Green version of the Lambda function.

Review the functions created from the terminal on the AWS Console.

Create Aliases

Create an alias for the Blue version.

aws lambda create-alias --function-name YourLambdaFunctionName --name Blue --function-version <#>

Create an alias for the Green version.

aws lambda create-alias --function-name YourLambdaFunctionName --name Green --function-version <#>

Test the Blue version and invoke the function using the "Blue" alias:
Note: The ExecutionVersion listed in the output is the same version as the "FunctionVersion" when the aws lambda create-alias --function-name YourLambdaFunctionName --name Blue --function-version <#>  was run in an earlier step.

aws lambda invoke --function-name BlueGreenLambda:Blue response.json

Test the Green version and invoke the function using the "Green" alias:
Note: The ExecutionVersion listed in the output is the same version as the "FunctionVersion" when the aws lambda create-alias --function-name YourLambdaFunctionName --name Green --function-version <#>  was run in an earlier step.

aws lambda invoke --function-name BlueGreenLambda:Green response.json

Switched from Green back to Blue to test the alias 'live'.

aws lambda update-alias --function-name BlueGreenLambda --name live --function-version 17


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